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Preserving the provenance and the continuing heritage lifestyle of the people and place of Elizabeth Township

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ETHS Museum

Elizabeth Township Historical Society (ETHS) Museum is a wonderful resource for the early history of Elizabeth Township, including her pioneer families, churches, and schools. Appointments for guided tours of the ETHS Museum may be made by calling director, Audrey Phillis at 937-339-5209 or calling Diana Young Steck at 937-205-2072 or emailing ETHS2007@gmail.com

Elizabeth Township Historical Society Museum
Elizabeth Township Historical Society Museum
Mrs. Phillis has worked hard to obtain many items relevant to the early years of Elizabeth Township and pioneer life. These are housed in one room of the museum. In addition to these artifacts, there is a military display, honoring township veterans. The room also contains histories of township families, cemeteries, churches, organizations, etc. Keep in mind, we love to add to these collections.
In the second room of the museum one will find memorabilia of Elizabeth Township Centralized School, including framed class photos from the twenties through fifties, as well as Betsy Bearcats memorabilia, yearly annuals, and photos.    There are also annuals and memorabilia from other townships and Miami East School District. Curators enjoy any chance to add to this collection.
Elizabeth Township Historical Society Museum
ETHS is always interested in seeing and documenting any historical item that might be significant to the history of Elizabeth Township and her people. Museum curators have the capability to scan any object or document and return it to the owner or if one feels so inclined, we also gladly accept donations of artifacts, memorabilia, journals, papers, etc. that pertain the history of the township. 

We do collect family histories and genealogies for residents of Elizabeth Township. Please contact the museum either by phone or email to inquire. 

Museum and newsletter

  • Director:
    • Audrey Phillis
    • Mary Beth George
  • Diana Young Steck 

Museum Store

Several items are available for visitors to purchase, such as books, clothing, and ornaments.