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Preserving the provenance and the continuing heritage lifestyle of the people and place of Elizabeth Township

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Two Elizabeth Township boys who loved baseball were the McDaniel brothers. Elwood McDaniel, one of three pitchers for the 1937 Betsy Bearcats team, and his older brother, Orville (Mick), who had also played for Elizabeth High School and graduated in 1936, were both very competitive baseball players in their day. They both played baseball well past high school, as did many of the boys from Elizabeth.

Mick McDaniel and Cecil Mumford organized a team called the Alcony All Stars. The Alcony team, as well as teams from McKendree Chapel and Cove Spring Church played teams from Dayton and Ginghamsburg. We would love to have any photos or information on these teams.

After he was married, Mick played for a couple of teams at one time. He even had a chance to try out with the Cincinnati Reds, but being a child of the depression, and having a job, a wife and a child, he decided not to go. He played and coached a semi-pro team called the St. Paris Lakers. Mick coached and played on the Cove Spring softball teams, as well and was an avid Cincinnati Reds fan.