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Preserving the provenance and the continuing heritage lifestyle of the people and place of Elizabeth Township

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Our Baseball History continued…

Two Elizabeth Township boys who loved baseball were the McDaniel brothers. Elwood McDaniel, one of three pitchers for the 1937 Betsy Bearcats team, and his older brother, Orville (Mick), who had also played for Elizabeth High School and graduated in 1936, were both...

Our Baseball History continued…

Baseball was first broadcast over radio waves in the early 1920s. By the mid 1930s, many families in this part of Ohio would listen to the Cincinnati Reds’ games on the radio. By 1960, most folks watched baseball on television. We still enjoy that as sports fans...

Remembering Those Who Served

Each year, Elizabeth Township Historical Society places flags on the graves of all Veterans buried in Elizabeth Township Historic District cemeteries for Memorial Day (also known as Decoration Day). Volunteers ensure each Veteran has a flag in a holder next to their...