Elizabeth Township Historical Society logo

Preserving the provenance and the continuing heritage lifestyle of the people and place of Elizabeth Township

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Recycling for Miami County, Ohio  https://www.miamicountyrecycles.org/

Litter Prevention in Ohio https://epa.ohio.gov/make-a-difference/reduce-waste/litter-prevention-in-ohio


Hug the Earth Festival, April 23, 2023 at Lost Creek Reserve a Miami County Park



Please register at the Community Center Front Desk, 5760 E. Walnut Grove Road

Supplies Provided & Instructions:

  • Rubber gloves, (please dispose of properly)
  • Orange trash bags for general refuse, leave by side of the road for pick up
  • Clear trash bags for recyclables; do not leave by side of road.  If used, these must be emptied into provided bins at the adjacent Township Building :
    • Glass Bottles
    • Aluminum Cans

Clothing Recommendations:    

  • Wear brightly colored clothing or safety vests
  • Wear hard-soled shoes with no open toes
  • Wear longs pants and long-sleeved shirts
  • Use gloves when handling litter


  • Be aware of your surroundings and the potential hazards associated with them (e.g. passing cars, etc.)
  • Don’t attempt to move large, heavy objects. Report illegal dumping, graffiti, tires and bulky items to Nic Rice 937-216-0579