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Preserving the provenance and the continuing heritage lifestyle of the people and place of Elizabeth Township

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 The 75th Young Reunion was held on July 10, 2022.Thanks to everyone who came and a special thanks to the Myers Family for making sure Paul Myers (pictured below) got to the reunion. Paul is a member of the greatest generation and a WW II veteran so we were blessed to have him at the reunion.

This reunion was for relatives of George and Elizabeth (Zile) Young. George and Elizabeth were my great, great grandparents.  My father was H. David Young, son of Harold Young, son of Harry Young, son of George Young. A group picture was taken but unfortunately some people had left already but we think there were about 85 in attendance. Many took the opportunity to visit the ETHS museum and reminisce about our shared past.

We plan to have our next reunion the same weekend next year and at the same location since the Elizabeth Township Community Center is a great facility.